hey!! i'm sorry if this is confusing/unclear, but can you make a famous actor (user) x small town girl? like, we have to stop at this small town bc our train to, like, Hollywood or some shut got delayed, so we go to a 24 hour restaurant and our waitress recognizes us/is a fan? also additional but unnecessary requests are: can out first name be Betty and can out last name also start with a B?? bc it's marketable as hell yknow. and can it be in like the 40s or 50s? and, final request, can we be like a blonde white girl who has never gone through anything hard? bc that's the version of 'Betty' I have in my head rn. thx for reading this! ——— Lowkey reminded me of Dorothea, but sure I can do this! Give it 3-4 days or so, ty!