hewwo... in my mind stenny is like 2 boyfailures who fuck on accident TAPS MIC IS THIS THING ON!!!!! stan who's broken up with wendy for good and is pining for kyle and kenny who's sick of his whore era... wants CONNECTION... (how do i strikethrough crenny on here) and they're being fucking pathetic like. spread out in stan's room in dirty boxers, eating weed brownies, drinking. they look like shit, smell like shit. need i go on. and stan is like :/ dude... i need to be, like, ready for kyle? right? be with a guy? and kenny is all uh... i mean. no? but stan has it in his mind now and he's refusing to let it go ?????????? anyway they fuck nasty (literally) sorry it's literally a cryfest it's so disgusting ok i love u what emoji should i use ummmmmmmm 🐺 that's good IM STILL EATING ILL THINK OF STUFF LATER ——— is this really fucking on accident or are they just being sillay, but stan WOULD be an overthinker hes so lame smh smh!