he's got old Man energy but guizhong makes him feels young. He gets sarcastic and quippy and funny around her, he lets himself be Immature and reckless and he smiles so much, when he's with her shes all he thinks of, he's got stars in his eyes and he's just so happy, she can make him express emotions he never would have otherwise and she just feel safe and she could be her true self with him and its just soft soft guili. Ur art is precious and beautiful and it makes my day. Thank you ——— I almost feel bad I've let this sit in my inbox for so long, but I reread it constantly because I love the way you described their relationship here. It's exactly how I imagine things between them, with an air of comfort of understanding where they know they can be themselves around each other even if it's not completely serious. I'm really glad you enjoy my art, and thanks so much for this question!