hai i was curious, is there a reason why you n bird's art styles are so similar? i feel like this could be read as rude but it comes from genuine curiosity. both of you create beautiful stuff <3 ——— I don't feel it's rude, however I have been asked this many times! but I'm too lazy to find the old answers... the answer to this is simple and twofold 1. we take a lot of inspiration from one another, and have for 7 years. That's a lot of time and influence! 2. we flat-out, and I will say this with conviction, do not have the same art style </3 if you take the time to absorb our work independently, or parooze our spaces on gallery websites, you will find we interpret the same subjects quite differently, even if we value some of the same things in overlap. Believe it or not, many people who commission one of us do so exclusively, for instance, and do not see our work as interchangeable. As flattering as it is for us to be seen as the same, it just isn't true!