haha… so what was sungho up to post breakup whilst taesan was MIA ——— he buries himself in work, mostly. it's the last semester of his final year so he drowns himself in studying and exams and overworking himself to the point he doesn't really have time to think about it anymore. he starts looking for post-graduate jobs and putting together a portfolio of his work and applying to places too. he also talks to riwoo a lot, because they've been best friends since their first year at college and riwoo was there through his first horrible painful breakup too. he distances himself from jaehyun a little, not because he doesn't like him or he blames him, but because jaehyun is taesan's best friend and he doesn't want to burden him any further, put him in an awkward place or make him feel like he needs to choose between them. if taesan is a denier of his feelings then sungho is a represser lmaoo