do you have a favourite line or scene you've written? 💕 ——— Hi Tash <3 It's hard to choose, but I think an overall favorite comes from The Hazards of Writing from the Heart's second chapter, with Akira and Goro's aquarium date: “Ah, these were just some things I remembered from documentaries I watched… I’m sure there’s a lot more interesting information…” “Akira.” He looks up just in time to be kissed, and all thoughts are blown from his mind as Akechi hugs him close by the waist and threads gloved fingers through his hair. He melts, getting lost in the perfect sensation of those lips against his, chasing them as they start to move away. “I like hearing it from you,” Akechi murmurs, “You should talk more about your interests.” Bashful Akira + bold Goro is a fun mix, and I just like the affection and encouragement Goro gives to Akira, who's not used to such genuine interest and positive reactions to his thoughts and expressions of interest