details about the Roberto sex mansion??? I'm obsesseddddsjsj ——— dsfhjkdjf YEAAA ROBERTO FUCK MANSION!!! basically, roberto is a nasty rich old man who basically adopted/mentored/bought minors who would then live in his home and service him. the thing is, he treats all of them incredibly well. he feeds them, supports them, allows them to leave whenever they want (and monetarily supports them when they do), and treats them just kindly in general. he just also...... yknow.... can use them whenever he wants :) the people he has under his thumb are: milly (his niece who came to him as she was transitioning and he was the only one who treated her well), vash and nai (who came as a package after rem, roberto's rich friend/colleague, died), liv and wolfwood (who came to him as a package from the streets), and the newbie meryl who he snagged by almost accident from just meeting her at her college where he sometimes holds talks about journalism. there might be more added later bc this is kind of an open universe that changes all the time and doesn't have a set in stone timeline lol every month, there's a "meeting" at the mansion where all of roberto's "colleagues" (aka the rich and powerful) comes to his mansion to use his pets as they want. all of his pets are required to attend and do so willingly with the exception of livio. after livio freaked out the first time and razlo hurt someone, he's either excused from the meetings or Only roberto's pet during it. it depends on if he wants to attend or not as he has the choice. :)) that's basically all i have on this universe rn it's mostly an excuse to have roberto bad touch people while being sweet and kind hehe