curious about YOUR ranking of evnne's butts ——— here at AssMan Laboratories, we group our asses into different classifications (assifications?) taking shape, size, perkiness, heft and movement, overall circumference and total surface area, hip-to-waist ratio, can-you-see-it-from-the-front-bility, does-it-disappear-when-they-stand-up-ability (highly advanced specialization here), and smackability (if applicable) into account in our genus grouping. unfortunately, evnne as a /whole/ don't have a lot of meat but the members who have it HAVE IT (when they aren't hiding it.) these findings are backed by dozens of hours of research and limit testing. 1. keita 2. hanbin 3. seungeon 4. yunseo 5. munjun 6. leejeong