anyway. two, I read your love letter rentry earlier today and uhm. this and that make me really genuinely happy. like I'm really glad that my presence, among others, is making you take care of yourself more. i know this is about you, but, it also makes me feel a bit less worthless... anyway, I read that you've been trying not to relapse, and uhm. again that makes me really happy. Like I'm... being quite serious when I say, I feel really proud of you for trying. And trying is enough. That intention is really what matters... And, well, this might be a bit annoying... but it was /you/ who decided yourself that you would try to get better. If you didn't decide that for yourself, even I couldn't force you to. So I'm really proud of you for making that decision... ——— what if i told you i started.c rying. /pos you make me so happy.s o so happy. i love you so muhc i cant even put it into words ... and i'm glad it makes you feel less worthless , because you're not worthless , you mean the world to me .. nobody. ever says they're proud of me for stuff like this. adn reading this just makes me want to curl up in a ball and roll back and forth /vpos