_Space aliens could change our lives whether they're real or not_ FTA: Even without hard evidence, the probabilities alone make life on other planets a reasonable assumption, even by hard-faced scientists who scoff at speculation. Now there is a growing body of evidence that there may be alien spacecraft in our skies. So far as we know, the evidence is not conclusive, at least not yet &mdash; but the need to gather more data has finally affected our national budget. We actually have at least one government agency officially looking into it, spending tax money. There are calls for expanding it and making it transparent to the public &mdash; no more hiding behind excuses masquerading as national security concerns. While there is no public proof of alien artifacts, the mere observation of UAPs is strong evidence that unknown means of controlled flight and propulsion do in fact exist. Whereas in times past, the inquiry into possible anti-gravity devices, for example, was summarily dismissed, there is now at least an open-door attitude for such things. Theoretical physicists who suggest such possibilities must now at least be given a fair chance to make their case. Obstructionist gatekeepers must, however grudgingly, give way to them. Also, there is now a conscious awareness that imminently, a breakthrough discovery could be made &mdash; one that would radically alter our perceptions of what is possible. We may begin to view ourselves as indigenous savages, looking out across the expanse of ocean and seeing, for the first time, the tips of distant sails. <a target='_blank' rel='nofollow' href=''></a>