You’ve been issued a one-way ticket to Hades in the afterlife, what’d ya do to earn it? ——— I asked someone about an hour ago if they’d sell their soul; or even a part of their soul. (If you’ve watched the TV show “Preacher” you’ll know what I’m talking about - there’s a company in it that buys souls for cash. You don’t have to sell your whole soul in one go though, you can sell it by percentage. Not as painful, and a lot less messy than selling a kidney, I suppose.) Anyway, they were a bit dubious and wouldn’t say one way or the other. I, on the other hand, said “I don’t believe in souls, I’d go for it.” That alone would be more than enough to get me there. Spooky coincidence: I’m wearing a perfume called ‘Garden of Hespera’. I’m a goner...