Which author have you read the most books from and which would you not read a book from again? ——— Most books I've probably read from either Neil Gaiman or Martha Wells. I've read all of Gaiman's novels and short story collections but not any of the comics. No, not even The Sandman. I wish I could but when I got sick my ability to read actual physical books became so diminished that I've since been mostly restricted to audiobooks. I don't want to buy anything because there's a big chance I won't be able to read them. It's on my list though to see if I can get a hold of it through the library. I have the same problem with Wells' books. I'm missing the newest one, Witch King, the Raksura series and a lot of the short stories. But I've read The Wheel of the Infinite and City of Bones probably around a hundred times so maybe that evens it out. And to answer the other question, I read one of Dan Brown's books 20 years ago and still regret the time I wasted on it.