What made you smile today? ——— Since the 'demic, my friend's 8-year-old kid calls me when she's bored on the weekend and reads books to me, but she skips a ton of shit she just doesn't think is important, so the story makes no sense. And she'll be like, "OK, chapter three," and then two sentences later she'll be like, "All right, chapter six." This morning she was reading some Dogman book to me, and she didn't know a word. I said, "Spell it." And she does, "C-I-R-C-U-M-S-T-A-N-T-I-A-L" and I said, "circumstantial." And she said, "OK, circumstantial--" and goes on reading. And I said, "wait, wait, don't you want to know what 'circumstantial' means?" And she goes, "No." And she just continued with the reading. Makes me smile to see that the youths are not all NERDS and know books and language are both gross and who cares tbh