What made you fall in love with Porco? Is he your favorite character in AOT? ——— Porco and Reiner both, can't split them up. As for what made me fall in love with this guy, it was his sacrifice; his death was glorious, because it was selfless; then I worked my way back to his childhood and rediscovered the beauty of his character, which I see as flawless from the beginning until the end; it's not the lack of flaws that makes a perfect storyline, it's the flaws and faults that shape one into a wonder, especially in fiction, and that is how I see Porco -- as a small storyline that outshines many of the other more important ones. AoT is a huge world, with many individual stories within it, but few compare to Porco's and how complete and satisfying it is, from his childhood until his end, from a storytelling perspective.