What are some of Mary and Raihans favorite foods? What do they like to make together and what of their dishes does Roy like best! ——— Oo man lemme see, I’m bad at explaining but let’s go- Mary is a fan of good meats and sushi, a lil picky with veggies tho, and I imagine Raihan having a similar taste, maybe a fan of pasta based dishes too, but he’s the kinda guy who eats almost anything and likes trying new stuff, I like to imagine them having a fun barbecue day here and there… Roy would prolly love that dhlsdbdh make some burgies and such. They enjoy trying new recipes often, but Roy’s absolute fav is when they try baking delicious sweets, he’s got a big sweet tooth, much like his parents (specially Mary)- Though one issue they have is Mary’s not a fan of most fruits (berries too) but Rai and Roy do like them so they end up bickering about that a bunch. Roy on the other hand is picky with fish. And lastly bc I think I’m rambling too much, they do their best to master each other’s fav birthday treat as tradition (Roy helps) and of course they team up to give Roy all his fav stuff for his bday too!