What's your biggest inspiration for your designs? They're all so pretty and unique! ——— Oh dang i'm not sure! I guess it depends on what type of designs you mean. For adopts I tend to go based off moodboards and aesthetics that I enjoy! Sometimes I have a vague concept in my head but I kinda just go with whatever comes to mind as I'm coloring a base! For my OC's I tend to be inspired by other designs I see and like OR i just have a concept already in my head oddly enough, most of the time I just have the idea already in my head and I just need to see it become a reality so I start drawing! Though a lot of my designs have similar patterns/markings that you see on other designs of mine, i tend to reuse small patterns that I really like throughout my designs (like diamonds on the chest or head and small stripes on tails or paws)