Via Holy Bible's Book of Revelations a) if 1 no work - then 1 no eats & b) = 2 human life TEST period's, 2 Holy retributionary Judgment Day's & we in the 1st longest of 2 TEST period, the Coming eventual 2nd TEST period is Jesus's 1,000 year reign AFTER the Coming 1st of 2 Judgment Day's & VAST WON'T succeed-pass the 1st via 1's own assigned WHEN IN LIFE Heaven Life convicting Record = in2 eternal Hell VAST will go-B via Jesus's word's, 'MORE will B in Hell than heaven' after last breath & there after Coming 1st Judgment Day as with those very FEW who succeed-pass BOTH TEST period's & judgment day's will B the very FEW thereof 2 B granted eternal life in Heaven with Jesus-Holy Trinity & all there & as far as Devil, 1st Coming: bottomless pit during Jesus's 1,000 year reign = 2nd & final human life TEST period & then there after (above) Hell 4ever!