VIBE CHECK: When's the last time you knowingly spoke on something of which you knew very little? What was it? And will you be doing it again? ——— I think that’s how we learn by getting out of our comfort zones to discuss things we don’t know, to look for that knowledge. We live in an opinionated world, where everyone wants to know your opinion unless it doesn’t go with theirs then they’ll want to argue. If it has to be a specific topic, it would have to be IT best practices, clearly there are people who delve way too deep into that world where they make you feel stupid after you realize what you thought was optimal was just above average to them, and their explanation confused me more than anything but I still learned a couple of things from that interaction. That said, of course I will do it again, I learn from these things, it’s the others who can get annoyed by my lack of knowledge or “wrong” opinion, no skin off my bones lol — as they say, ‘ask and you shall receive’