Understatement that money NO makes the (?) human, it's human (nature) character, money is a non human tool & how U use it as with Holy Bible's Luke 9:24 = NONE SELF own NOTHING, NOT breath NOR Soul, that includes THEM in Power as THEY deem WE THE USA-global innocent who SELF deny Warrior choose Holy Trinity PEOPLE-MORE OF us than THEM as the enemy of the state (being THEM in Power-Control-government that's SUPPOSE 2 B small, NOT large so THEIR telling USA's Founding Fathers 2 go pound sand even in their graves) when THEY in Power R the 1's that R the enemy of the state but ALL I witness is cowards of MORE OF us than THEM! So Coming = Russian roulette, ALL out USA-global murder-suicide, sanitizing, genocidal, bloodbath, massacre, eradicating, extermination by 2025.