Topher headcanons ? Nsfw or sfw I just wanna hear your interpretation :3 ——— ok here goes !! : D - bisexual, believes he's straight. - extremely cisgender - has borderline personality disorder, autism, type 1 bipolar and some other mental disorders probably - went to the psyche ward/"the asylum" due to violent behavior both towards himself and others - lost his virginity to his foster mom. - secretly spends a lot of time on 4chan, kiwifarms and lolcow. also mastodon. lmao. - pure submissive but wont admit it. - closet kodocon, has 'proship DNI' in his twitter bio - due to a combo of trauma and shock fatigue his sex fantasies have gotten really weird and fucked up - former homestuck fan. owns a dave strider t shirt. - terrified of horses. why the fuck are they so big.