This is the women's day. What do we celebrate exactly? ——— I don’t know, but in the last 48 hours I’ve read about the man who last year “choked the living daylights” out of his 70 year-old wife, Ruth Williams,(breaking 5 bones in her neck in the process) because he “snapped”, and who got sentenced to FIVE YEARS for her murder because what he did was “out of character”. (How many times have we heard that one?) I read about the man who beat his 32 year-old girlfriend, Kayleigh Dunning, to death with a crowbar (30 blows), and also stabbed her 9 times, after posting revenge porn to her family, friends, and work colleagues because he thought she’d texted another man. He got a decent sentence at least - 23 years. And I’ve read about 33 year-old Sarah Everard, who disappeared in London on Wednesday evening while walking home from a friend’s house. You just know they’re going to find her violated body dumped in a river somewhere. That poor woman, and her poor family. Not much to celebrate there, is there?