Thinking about Oli in the weightswap AU... I wonder if he ever feels sad at times looking at Cas' athletic body compared to his own, wanting to reminisce about how things used to be, trying to feed Cas one more burger for old time's sake even though he can barely lift his arms to even feed himself... (Could be especially interesting if the weight transfer is still going on, maybe he does try to stuff Cas for old times sake only to pile on more and more himself...) Wonder how he might cope... Maybe if he's feeling evil enough, he might try to sabotage Rachel's diet here and there for the hell of it, payback for getting in the way before. Not that it's make him feel any less empty inside I bet. ——— OH the thought of oli being not only self-destructive in his NEED to feed cas but also spiteful is SO on point like that really fits his character down to a T