There's a video clip on Instagram of a fairly attractive girl going around asking other attractive girls for their phone numbers. I think the idea is women are more open if being gay for a short time than men are. I have theory. I think a woman's sexuality is more fluid because men are more accepting of that. Example. You're a guy and you're married to your wife for 30 yrs. And you find out your wife and her friend Wendy were more than just friends in college.. there was more scissoring going on than in a knitting class😆 there isn't a man alive who would have a problem with that, hell let's get Wendy on the phone! Let's reconnect, rock on🤣 But switch the roles. I think a woman finding out her husband was gay for a short time would ruin their relationship. Imo straight women are attracted to masculinity no matter what they say.. finding out your husband of 30 yrs even for a short time was a bottom bitch😂 will ruin your perspective on him ——— I disagree