The Ukrainian govt. with the assistance of the jewish "masters" and their "neocons" here in the US , plus all the money we send them, are purposely destroying Ukrainian crops and blaming it on Russia. Two birds with one stone. Create famine to control the people, and try to destroy Russia. The central bankers here that control every aspect of our public life..... want to make Russia a puppet state again, and then use their American pawns to go die for them in a war with China. They will keep pushing famine, bio weapons in forms of viruses, chemtrails, directed weaponry energy to create fires, economic crash of the whole western society, to then "propose the solution" of a single global govt. and currency based in that illegal occupation they named "israel". That occupation shouldn't exist, and these people should be permanently removed from control of our central bank, euro bank, bank of England, and we should make "world bank and IMF and the UN " burn along with them all in the bunker they build. It's called the law of reciprocity. The highest form of respect, according to one of their own talmudic philosophers. Karma is a bitch. And so is short sight. Arrogance makes these people THE ULTIMATE TRUE IMBECILE SLAVE.