Thank you for blacking out the name of the commenters! 🙇‍♀️ I'm glad my comments could uplift the writer but I'm also nervous about situations like "what if I'm not in that fandom anymore and I don't want people to know I read stuff from there before?" so that's why I prefer having the name hidden haha ——— Your reasoning or simple shyness makes sense, and I wouldn't want to make anyone uncomfortable — my goal is the opposite. Even though some crazy person could look through all my fics to find the given comment and the user who left it, as AO3 is a public site, this could happen anyway. So tbh I get it; those who are proud of their comments, if they see such a tweet, they can simply interact with it and let the world know. I'm all for the comfort of everyone, so the "no name" version won for sure!<3