Talk to me. How are you feeling? Doing anything new? Got any interesting plans? :) ——— There's an organisation that supports me. I have someone coming to see me twice a week, and they'll do stuff with me, depending on what I feel like doing, whether that's going for a walk, photography, playing a board game (although it's more limited in the current situation) etc. It's basically to get me doing things and interacting with someone outside of my family. Doing chilled out stuff with someone for a few hours, a couple of days a week - sounds nice, sounds easy, right? Wrong. I'm still fuckin' anxious about it. I really don't feel like doing stuff and seeing people, but I have to make myself. It's like taking a horrible tasting medicine which is supposed to make you better, but you don't really feel any different, and you can't get used to the taste. But it's supposed to make you better, so you keep on taking it when you feel able to, because you can't see an alternative, apart from giving up.