THIS-U-WE NECLEUS species-humanity was created in LESS than day for 1 reason-purpose: 2 COUNTERACT Devil's Holy War against God by SELF deny care take of each other & Earth, NOTHING off & use HIS given Power-Authority ie: housecleaning & CEASE ugh THEM = REPRESENT HIM or 4ever DIE! YEAH fellow human Brother, just another Son of Adam & Eve, Donald John Trump may have done much-have his good points, misc BUT U NO (?, !) him, U (?, !) Holy Trinity - means even he's gotta grow a pair & B as leader ie: (?), Achilles & I only hope U bring ALL I put out 2 him like he should daily schedule between him & Holy Trinity ie: a relationship that can last 4 all eternity but daily - in a room, alone, door closed & on his knee's 2 pray B4 retiring 4 the night & prep 4 the following day & asking 4 Holy Counsel ie: how 2 better lead the people, misc else of any & all decision's his has 2 & does make.