Soooooo, I''ve noticed Christa's gut seems almost like it has a mind of it's own sometimes Can we confirm or deny this? ——— An out-of-character answer: The Gluttonous Curse is a path to many abilities one might consider... unnatural. One such ability is having those powerful cravings for those around them, which can manifest in many ways. For Chista, it's those 'gut feelings' one can have, strong gurgles and powerful churning from the digestive organs themselves to signal approval or desire for something (or someone). But is this true thought or just ravenous instincts manifesting in her mind? The lines between sanity and insanity can get blurred for those who struggle with unnatural impulses. Whatever the reason, Chista copes by treating her belly as its own being. Almost like a beloved pet, she lugs around wherever she goes, showing it off, lavishing it with attention, and trying to keep a steady hand on its 'leash,' so to speak. Does this help Chista resist the Voracious Urges of the Glutinous Curse? Hard to say. To answer the question... the answer is maybe.