Someone tells you that he suffers from severe depression and that he wants to kill himself. He asks you why he shouldn't do it. What would you tell him? ——— Without knowing the cause of his depression and details about his life like if he has family or friends to live for, I can't really tell him anything. Suicide shouldn't have a stigma. Everyone has the right to die. And if I don't know why he wants to kill himself or details about his life, I don't feel it's right for me to tell him not to. Who's to say he isn't better off dead? Blindly telling people to stay alive just for the sake of it is dumb, wrong and kinda rude, in my opinion. I would hate if somebody who doesn't know anything about me insisted that I not kill myself especially if I want to die for good reason. If they encourage me not too but ultimately allow me to make my own decision if I I refuse to listen, then I don't mind. I will say, however, that I don't like the idea of kids killing themselves because of bullying. I feel bad for them. They shouldn't do it and they should be helped if possible. But if an adult with nothing to live for or who hates this world says "Fuck this world. Ive had enough. I'm out of here." who am I to say no?