So I trust your opinions and always feel safe as a mutual and so I wanted to ask you, but dont want to post publicly. I have always identified as gay. I'm a man and I only find other men attractive sexually. I only find male bodies attractive - I'm reading that this is bigoted because I should be attracted to anyone who identifies as a man. But. I don't? I just can't form an attraction to a non male body. Is this a fetish? Is it wrong? A kink? I'm ashamed to ask anyone, I feel wrong and hate myself for it ——— Listen, I'm not a trans activist, I can only speak for myself, not for other trans people, not even for most of them. That being said: No one can force you to be attracted to trans men the same way you cannot be forced to be attracted to any other man. I am sure you don't feel attracted to every cis man you encounter - so they're just men you're not attracted to either. That's not bigoted, as long as you're treating trans people with respect and recognise trans men are men regardless of whether you are attracted to their bodies or not. It's certainly not a fetish or kink. That's just you liking dick, dude 🤷‍♂️ Plus, I think trans men are hot enough for the both of us 🥵