So I accidentally found you bc of your previous answer about fic recs, checked them out with a smile on my face and then was like wait... you also write fics? What's your id? And then I realized you're nebunlae... I LOVE you. You made so many nights for me with your sunq fics (though not enough, never enough). Thank you for existing? And I wish all the best for your gc (even though I am kinda jealous), I hope they will continue to inspire you and just live good sunkyu-filled lives. Thank you! ——— oh!!! hello :o whwgdhfjk that's... me 🫡 thank You for enjoying them!! i just hav too much brainrot so... the sq fics will keep on coming, hopefully 🤔🩷 i wish u a very sunkyu 2024 as well :3 💓