Sigh go ahead & web keyword search something like - why does it seem so dismal, us society. Any related keywords, if you - any wanna have some kind of SELF perspective, & HUH & YEAH, it ain't pretty despite alot of what I've already shared. SHARE I do but to U USA-global adult humans, aside from there's more of us than them of Power Elites & that it takes a army of us amidst what it's always been & is, Holy War that Devil brought to us after being 86-ed outta Heaven & STILL 2 date, we fail God = so fine then, sigh have it your way then humanity but Coming is gonna be more worse than previously because we no warrior Achilles SELF deny up & it is non voluntary - non optional but talk about cowards everywhere huh, sigh fine, so be it then, your choice, I no stand with nor for U humanity, I stand for & with Holy Trinity against U cuz I 'GET' it, I know why we exist, why all been & is the way it is but I guess it's not here nor there with U USA-global humanity, so expect worse Coming cuz we no still (above) for God. We have ourselves to blame, NOT God! HE'S not a maid-janitor & gave us everything we'd need to have all past-to date avoided but no, & so fine, worse is Coming = death to fellow USA-global humanity - all else non human life on Earth - Earth (itself) & off Earth not that we're suppose to be off Earth & is a unholy violation. So go ahead humanity, piss off God & s=witness what happens, your choice, I no stand with U, I stand with God & Heaven's Warrior angels!