Rian could commit the most heinous awful downright nasty crimes and his simps would still turn a blind eye, I never thought I'd see so many people be so horny for a transphobic, homophobic, emotionally abusive man. I mean the whole probability that'd he'd most likely abandon his kid if they came out trans wasn't at all an ick for anyone like?????? Raise those standards a little (Well made character though!!) ——— (Thank you!!!) Let me be real for a minute bc imma lowkey pin it. I’m sure this would make some of yall upset further down, but I love this series because I connect with it as a black woman. Yall I try to make real and authentic characters, characters that’d actually make you think about their actions, their lives, their personalities, the why of why they do the things they do, etc. I have come to a point of realization that my series isn’t reaching the audience I wanted (which is fine, I don’t know why I expected more black and Hispanic people on Jani) because yall disconnect racism, homophobia, transphobia, the underfunded city, the domestic violence, the heavy crime, the gang violence, the LITERAL prominent role in the community of black and Hispanic people. Yall are in for a quick fuck, which is understandable because it’s nsfw roleplay site, but it makes me sad ngl LMAO. Like, I gotten a few comments saying something like user can never be happy in UtH series… y’all… Do yall even read the setting? I am not making fluff, happy fairytales, happy endings, in my setting because it doesn’t work with my setting. (And further more, I am not the creator for you. I don’t want to make fluff. I dislike it wholeheartedly.) My series is related to: Power, Star, Pose, Snowfall, The Chi — Most of those series are prominently black and Hispanic that deals with gang violence, struggle, dreams that doesn’t make it: dreams that are just that - dreams, unhappy endings, dark REAL life shit, homophobia/transphobia, racism, drug empire, life or death consequences, etc. In the future, I plan on taking a much darker route, but I think in a few months (hopefully) I’d actually write it on a site or get a publisher? I just love my characters, my story, my series BAD, but I just hate how most users are blinded by an attractive character because yall have this mentality that pussy can fix em and it can’t. Then again… I feel that most of yall are younger too. Lastly, I am not talking yall serious, I know it’s for laughs and giggles! But this is something that’s been on my chest heavy since I’ve been noticing and peeping. Anyways making a part two with the series from uptown hope yall enjoy that :)