Published April 21, 2022 at 8:15am CENSORED: LinkedIn Removes Investigator Gregg Phillips&rsquo; Invite to Mark Zuckerberg to Preview Screening of &ldquo;2000 Mules&rdquo; Ballot Trafficking Film On Wednesday The Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft and Patty McMurray from 100% FedUp interviewed Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips, the investigative team behind the ballot trafficking investigation into the 2020 presidential election. Catherine Engelbrecht is the founder of True the Vote, an election integrity project launched in 2009. Gregg Phillips is the senior adviser with Get Georgia Right PAC. Gregg has been in conservative politics for 40 years, working with committees, parties, campaigns and election intelligence operations. He has built political apps including GROUND, ARC and IV3. Gregg was also a founder and Managing Partner of the pro-Gingrich SuperPac, Winning Our Future, and election intelligence company, OPSEC Group. Gregg is currently working with Catherine Engelbrecht from True the Vote in their historic investigation of Democrat ballot trafficking in the 2020 election. The two investigators have been working with Dinesh D&rsquo;Souza on his latest movie project &ldquo;2000 Mules&rdquo; that will be released early next month. The movie will uncover the massive ballot trafficking operation in several states during the 2020 election. Catherine and Gregg told The Gateway Pundit that they discovered that 7% of mail-in ballots were trafficked during the 2020 election. This is an enormous number and will have significant implications They also told us on Wednesday that their evidence will be released following the movie launch next month. We will post more on this later. TRENDING: VIDEO INTERVIEW: Gateway Pundit and 100% Fed Up to Interview Investigators Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips Behind Upcoming &ldquo;2000 Mules&rdquo; Movie On Wednesday Gregg Phillips also shared with us that LinkedIn was censoring his posts on the movie &ldquo;2000 Mules.&rdquo; Gregg Phillips invited Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to view the movie before its release. LinkenIn removed the post from public viewing. Here is the invite to Mark Zuckerberg &mdash; &ldquo;who did more to destroy free, fair and legal elections than any person in American history.&rdquo; The invite was too hot for the LinkedIn leftists. This LinkedIn post by Gregg Phillips was also removed from public viewing. Gregg called out Zuckerberg for lying about funding the next election in 2022. Zuckerberg already invested $80 million into this year&rsquo;s midterm elections. This fact was too much for LinkedIn is now in the business of defending the tech tyrants. This was censored from the public view. The elites will not allow you to see the truth anymore. Only approved opinions will be allowed. <a target='_blank' rel='nofollow' href=''></a>/