Please share an unconventional opinion you have? ——— It annoys me when people try to shame non-voters. I believe more people don't vote (in America) because they're not stupid and see there isn't much difference between the major parties - Democrats (referring to the national leadership) are Republicans who are OK with abortion and gay people. If people don't want to go support either candidate, that is the fault of the candidates. Give them something to be excited about or interested in and they just might show up - I mean Trump for whatever flaws you think he has, he did exactly that, and won. The other side took the stance of wagging and pointing fingers at people about their wildly unpopular candidate, which motivated exactly no one, and she was defeated. Oh, and there's the cousin of non-vote shaming, and that's third-party vote shaming. Massive overlap of these two groups, and I suspect them both to be full of shit, because usually they're not about any principle - what they really want is you to vote for THEIR candidate; they're otherwise silent if the result is satisfying for them. Anyway, people actually say things like 'you can't vote third party, they can't win!' Yeah, because people like you are too busy propping up the system that you complain about by supporting the same ass-clowns over and over again. TLDR, Voters have as little or less right to complain than non-voters