Opinions and ideas on a rickorty sex pollen fic? I’m drafting one now but I’m kind of stuck lol ——— Oooh, ooh, I don’t know if you’re going in this direction, but like, you could mix sex pollen with the Fuck or Die trope, like the fact that it combines fatal consequences, with the pollen (or other influence) causing death if the exposed character (I don’t know if you’re going with Rick or Morty feeling it or both might be feeling it) does not have sex in a certain time frame. That actually fits super well in the Rick and Morty universe and adds delicious angst about either their feelings they don’t want to express or feel the pollen is causing it and therefore are sad about it or guilty about their feelings. But definitely, if we are possibly following each other (or not, it’s okay), you can totally hit me up in my DMs if you ever want to talk, or even if you end up posting this fic, then totally @ me boo I’d love to support you and your writing; that Rickorty sex pollen fic sounds awesome! (I’m super sorry if also none of my advice helped but I hope it did.)