Oh I binged those danstelle ones like you wouldn't believe. Thanks for pointing them out! Also I'm glad you like a avenstelle, there's something about them that gives me feral unhinged energy but comfort at the same time? And honestly the character relationship building is one of your strongest writing points. I wouldn't mind the focus on kazulumi with like a sprinkle of plot just to advance their relationship. If you ever go back to the kazulumi fics (both the isekai and college au) I'd definitely read them voraciously Hmm that's true, a conundrum. I wouldn't want to have you lose out on content you're interested in continuing or writing further on. Maybe it is time to create a twt again 😭 just for the DMs ——— yeah avenstelle just gets me. i think it’s partially the sense that aven is putting on a façade of sorts, like there’s a vulnerability to him that you can kinda see under his confident veneer and i just rlly enjoy the idea that stelle helps him open up… plus yeah he would totally be an enabler for stelle’s energy, no questions there haha thank you, i’d like to focus on just their relationship as well but i think for this particular fic cuz it’s enemies to lovers unfortunately the plot is q significant otherwise there isn’t a v compelling reason for them to fall in love i feel. i guess that in itself is a major psychological barrier that’s stopping me from working on the fic. ah yeah the college one. that one is so close to the end though it’s literally just that final chapter… i might sit and work on it someday. the last chapter was mostly smut-centric anyway. hahaha sure feel free to DM me! i don’t check this account so much nowadays but i do look at my inboxes every so often