OH MY FUCKING GOD THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUUUUUU FOR 006 IM STILL IN A STATE OF SHOCK RIGHT NOW SO FORGIVE THE LACK OF WORDS BUT OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! I CRIED REAL PHYSICAL TEARS!!!!!!!!! AT HOW ABSOLUTELY PERFECT!!!!!! PERFECT EVERYTHING WAS. HOW TF ARE YOU SO TALENTED BRO????????????????? I WANT TO BE INSIDE YOUR MIND IN ALL SERIOUSNESS and pls forgive me for having such limited vocabulary —- 006 is truly one of the reasons I wake up excited everyday in the hopes of getting updates or even tiny crumbs you post on twt, it has taken over my life in the most frustrating and beautiful way possible. I listen to the playlist (esp modern graduation!! idk i think this is supposed to be about annie in erens POV but its ereri for me lol) when i miss it and look at the pinterest too. It’s thaaaaat bad. I feel so lucky to have been able to witness your art and your real love for eren and levi, i feel so lucky to be able to see how you bring them to life. I swear to god I know every writer has their own versions of the canon characters but you are soooo fucking spot on with everything. I cried reading the levi chapter cos his thoughts and musings would still have been accurate if 006 WAS canon-divergent LIKE!!!!!!??? I hope you get what im trying to say 😭 i swear it all feels so REAL to me. TheY ARE eren and levi. I’m sorry im rambling i just… really want to thank you. You are very talented and you bring so much happiness to a lot of people thru the love you have for ereri like my god i can never thank you enough thank you so so soooo much. This surprise update was such a gift. I will be rereading this everyday until the next update and then read it again some more. It was just so beautiful. — He hesitates, but only for a second. “You. I think.” —- Had me fucking FLOORED TNX!!!!!!!!! ——— [cries like a small kitten] it's so sweet to hear that someone is this excited about 006 omg..... u3u.... thank you so much. this is all making me feel like jelly. i still do this stuff years later and try to improve because of messages like these. if there is ever a time i feel genuinely happy and proud of myself, it's rn. wah. wah. [warbled noise] i hug u. thank you so much