Not a MOMENT goes tick tock 'Time' by (despite past-2 date, me born like ANY after 'Devil Holy War against God & BROUGHT 2 us ALL' of long ago started) that I'm not apologizing 2 Holy Trinity, non human innocent life-Earth-NASA trashed up Saturn-Mercury, etc ALL cuz of us! Like say amidst Holy Bible: weeds amidst a garden IS THAT of (ugh) STILL LGBTQiA (God set example with destruction of S & G ie: Genesis 19 & as such R literally NOT suppose 2 exist ie: weed's of garden), etc else fill in blanks = so really USA-global humanity is ALLOWING (above) = ROGUE from Holy Trinity & if U deem not, ugh U R ALL LOSERS! But ANY sees-witnesses just happens when (?-!) is not 'maintained tight'!