Mike Slater of "The First TV" - Faith, family and country are what define Mike Slater. On every episode of True Story, Mike speaks to the conservative heart by focusing on the 5 values that most inspire a virtuous life: curiosity, gratitude, hope, zest and love. Where other hosts may use anger, frustration and hopelessness to cover events, Mike tells stories that connect to eternal principles and conservative values & discussion's like war on Christianity, separation of church and state debunked, the christian nationalist narrative, etc & I feel 1 like Mike Slater is honestly-humbly gonna speak from the heart with focus on 3 in 1-1 in 3 Holy Trinity & Holy Bible = B-asic I-nstructions B-efore L-eaving (dying cuz of FAILED Adam 1st THEN Eve, non human innocent, original 5 day created) E-arth. As well as (me) feeling like Charlie Kirk of TPUSA more speaks from his heart & alike as with Mike Slater of "The First TV".