Love your sweet comments <3 nice to see you on retrospring! Coming up with some mallesil question hmm... Any horror tropes you think would be fun to apply to them? ——— Hi! Thanks for having me!!! Also damn that's a hard question...honestly what horror tropes WOULDN'T I apply to mallesil....but some of the ones I want to write the most would be: Cannibalism/vore, nothing gets me like consumption as a form of love and I think it fits Malleus very well...whether this happens literally or metaphorically, it is the ultimate endpoint of mutual obsession you know? Silver willingly gives himself to malleus is every possible way, so it's practically inevitable. It starts small- Malleus is definitely a biter, and he loves lapping up the spilled blood and of course in turn silver gets unbelievably turned on by seeing himself on mal's lips, its a form of affirmation that even him, a nobody human is worthy of being desired on such a primal level. Eventually mal cant help himself but to keep consuming, to make Silver his so wholly...when Silver dies (possibly at mal's hands/teeth if we want to get really morbid) what else is mal to do but finish the job? Literally everything going on with 7-3 im not fucking kidding trapping a character in a mindscape is one of my all-time favorite trope....silver can try all he wants to escape the dream world but mal is just one step ahead, always showing up after Silver exhausts himself, constantly pushing him deeper into the dream, alternating between ideal happy fantasies and inescapable nightmares, until silver has given up entirely, submitting to anything mal wants and of course he gets to live forever in a wonderful happy dream, surrounded by his imaginary family and his loving prince, completely mindbroken... Cosmic horror/human sacrifices, just imagine malleus' true form being giant, monstrous and incomprehensible and of course he's alone, perhaps lilia as his only companion, he has no hope for love in a natural way so he demands sacrifices, keeps them around, maybe fucking them, maybe eating them, maybe just trying to bond with them until their minds break or they kill themselves. by chance the next one is young human, the beloved second prince of a kingdom under malleus' control, beautiful and innocent and groomed to be an offering to protect the rest of the people. but instead of being afraid of malleus, he's charmed, he sees another person who is alone just like him. Maybe he falls in love and malleus loves him back in his own way. Of course, a human cannot love a monster the way a monster loves back, but he willingly takes whatever malleus offers, no matter what that entails demon mal...posession...haunting...leading silver into sin, especially if we take this in a religious context because my biggest crime is that i 100% will sexualize catholic imagery (when I go back to Italy the pope will probably personally smite me) and the angel/demon dichotomy fits mallesil aesthetically soooo well?? I could definitely keep going but this is long enough as is good lord