LIFE IN PRISON, WITH OBERRY WHO PUT HER IN OFFICE,,,CONFISCATE ALL BANK ACCTS..PROPERTIES,,,ARREST HER NOW.. I just introduced a censure resolution against Ilhan Omar. She was caught on video acting as a foreign agent putting the interests of the country she fled – Somalia – ahead of America. Her actions are treasonous and she must be held accountable. I took an oath to defend America against all enemies and I will not stop until we rip out, root and stem, those destroying America from within. If you agree with me, add your name to the “Censure Ilhan Omar” petition right now. Ilhan Omar embodies the biggest threat America faces: Migrant hordes invading our country with no real desire to assimilate or embrace what it means to be an American. She has no allegiance to America. She hates America, hates our culture, and hates the values that made us the envy of the world. “Immigrants” like Ilhan Omar weaponize Americas’s generosity against us and spit in our faces. People who abuse our system like Ilhan put America Last because they remain more loyal to the violent, corrupt, war-torn countries they fled than to our nation that took them in. These are not immigrants who love America and come here for a better life. They’re invaders attempting to overthrow our country! America deserves better leaders than Ilhan Omar and with your support I can hold her accountable. Will you add your name demanding the House of Representatives hold Ilhan Omar accountable?