Kioo!! Thoughts on fem!gfsh's jealousy? How woulf Str react to someone flirting with Gumi and how would Gumi react to someone flirting with Str? ——— Ohh, fem!Satoru definitely would make a scene. Strutting up to the offending person, giving them a look-over with a disgusted gaze, humiliating them with such mean words that the person would piss off. Meanwhile fem!Megumi is the type whose jealousy is silent, simmering – she's just watching before she steps in, hugs Satoru from the side, clings reeeeaal close to Satoru. Megumi keeps on staring at the offending person, just staring at them until they're uncomfortable, and Megumi's hold on Satoru's waist gets tighter, more possessive. 🥰