If U-ANY wanna (sort of verbally) vent YO frustration's, misc of USA Congress (&amp; separately aside from as well as USA's Deep State's FBI - CiA &amp; NSA via their individual contact web page's as 2 B Christian = means 2 'stand up &amp; call out' as oppose 2 their &amp; ETC else USA-global continual past-2 date making a evil - unholy mockery, misc of Holy Bible's Romans 13 - they, etc R NOT worthy of obeying &amp; complying 2, ONLY Holy Trinity as a christian retributionary revolution war is Coming sooner or later as ALL THIS 2 date could have been literally avoided centuries ago), U-ANY may do so on this web (site) page - <a target='_blank' rel='nofollow' href=''></a>