I would love to know more about Meiyue and Rinko please…! May i ask you to spill me their entire lores, i don’t mind if they’re imcomplete, i just really want to know…!!! ——— the lore for meiyue runs deep and also sort of spoils for one of my campaigns, so i'll can't really say much... BUT! she's intended to be a genius pianist who is thoroughly controlled by her mother... as the magical girl, Zenith, she takes her repressed anger out on the crystalline beasts that threaten the city. when Meiyue is Zenith, she's violent and cutting with her words (and actions)... literally "im a healer, but—" as for rinko, her canon lore hasn't been fully established yet, but a constant across all universes is her ability (or perhaps curse)? to generate pink, dust-like moths from her hair, which she can see through via their "fake" eyespots (which are real in this case). this ability always develops after an event in which she and her (toxic) best friend, kasane, encounter [something] in the woods. what happens afterwards varies, but it's never a good time for rinko...