I want to ask you, how do you feel now because Itakugi is now starting to be considered by many people after seeing episode 19 yesterday😌 Honestly, after seeing many people starting to accept Itakugi as a canon couple, do you have an idea to make an Itakugi fanfic? more and not just a sweet little love story but also starting to enter a more mature and seductive plot specifically just for Itakugi, and one more thing, if for example you have an idea for this fanfic, do you want to share the link on the reply twitter with us 🥰🥰🥰🥺 ——— Honestly, what I'm seeing the most is a lot of discourse which I dislike lol, I feel like it's drawing the wrong kind of attention. But sure, it's cool that more ppl are getting into it, I hope it translates into more fan content. Talking about fan content, whatever fic I write I will definitely post it on Twitter.