I tried talking to those 2 mutuals. One said he didn't want to have this prefix put on him and that was all he wanted to say about it. So IDK. The other one, she said she didn't like being told she had to have a gender identity and she was happy as herself without having to and she had abuse for saying she doesn't have a gender identity before so could I "just respect that and not call me cis as I don't have any gender identity and didn't chose any label" we had a brief exchange then she blocked me😬 IDK! β€”β€”β€” i mean I can't do any credible judgement here, I don't know them, I can't see the convo but from what I see transphobes say about it for days now.... it's the exact same. So. yeah they just seem transpbobic. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ