I recently got a prey of my own. Im usually always a prey so it was honestly a new experience for me and… holy shit did you’re right. I feel so… powerful, you know? He’s just the cutest thing in the world, and he’s all mine. I just look at him and I wanna do horrible unspeakable things to him (He loves it too, don’t worry.) I guess I wanna ask for some tips on being a better pred. He says I’m a natural, but I’m still rather new. I wanna learn how to really make my prey whimper and fluster until they can barely say a word. I want them to know who’s in charge. Any tips? ——— Sounds to me like you're doing good job at it already. :3 It's just a case of knowing what you enjoy about the role and getting into the headspace. For me it feels more like letting go rather than doing anything specific. It pours out of me.