I had a specific question regarding the project, if you don't mind! On our busts of Malleus, where exactly would you see the "cut-off" for said bust? Right now, my current sketch has his whole upper body/top of hips, but to my knowledge, busts are generally shorter... Would I need to trim it shorter, or would that still be fine, since it's mostly his upper body in shot? Thank you in advance, T~T ——— Mhmmm if it's reaching close to his hips that might be taking it too far for it to be consider a bust anymore by definition, but my first insticnt is telling me that it depends on the pose you decided to go with? 🤔 I have a few submissions where their Mal is drawn to his elbows (which is near the hips) and it doesn't really affects how it looks with the other submissions I gotten that are, by definition, a bust so! I'll give you two options: If you rather be sure, dm me personally with your sketch and I can help guide you more better! Or: Continue finishing your drawing as is and if there's a problem, I'll dm you till then! :0 Hope this helps!