I don’t know how much of a ‘response’ you want so please feel free to ignore or tell me off! IMO the thing that makes passing complete judgment difficult is that we don’t know what the Korean version looks like. The US version of season 1 that I watched is definitely weird and inappropriate but within the realm of common anime themes with children unfortunately. The Korean version is apparently even more censored, had a 15+ rating, and was played on national tv. It makes me want to believe they didn’t know how horrible the source material and author are but until we have actual screenshots from the Korean version it’s still dicey. The only person I think is definitely in the wrong and has ALOT of explaining is Ta3y0ng because he has volume 11/12 of the manga, which is illegal in Korea and content I would consider CSAM ——— i didnt know all these details!! thank you for sharing they played it on national tv? that's- something. i mean they wouldn't play it on tv if it condoned that kind of thing, would they? i wonder why it's illegal /sarcastic 💀 i agree with you, taəyσng has some serious explaining to do ugh i feel sick